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Dr Michael Ebertz Started Scholarship Fund for Glory and John EbertzThe John and Glory Ebertz Memorial Scholarships were established in 1997 by Dr. Michael Ebertz (Twin Cities Medicare Dermatologist) and Father Charles Richard Rudd after the passing of Michael’s father, John, from leukemia. The scholarship fund memorializes two of our most beloved St. James Basilica alumni who exemplified the values, achievement and success they seek to instill in all of their students. These scholarships were expanded in 2007 to provide full tuition to Catholic students and support each recipient’s spiritual and intellectual growth. Since then, 32 students have received this honor.

The Ebertz scholarships provide financial relief for recipients and their families who struggle to pay tuition but are committed to ensuring their children have the opportunity to learn about the life and teachings of Jesus Christ every day. Families who have received this financial assistance are also able to save for the future investment in tuition and to develop their child’s other talents, such as athletics or arts.

Additionally, recipients of the Ebertz scholarships are able to realize other unique benefits of an Academy education. St. John’s Academy offers a rigorous curriculum that prepares students for the academic and social challenges of junior high and upper school. Similarly, their faith-based education provides a spiritual foundation for students to learn and grow into strong leaders and active community members. The integration of faith in their classrooms fosters lifelong friendships and positions students for future success. Dr. Michael Ebertz hopes to inspire students to lead lives imbued with meaning and encourage young people to achieve their full potential – just as Glory and John did.

Glory and John were both active students at St. John’s Academy involved in sports, student government and other extracurricular activities. Glory earned the nickname “SJA Florence Nightingale,” given to her by her classmates. She was well-known at school for her good grades and first aid skills. She graduated as Salutatorian in 1945. She was also a cheerleader and the manager for the class play. Likewise, John Ebertz graduated from SJA in 1948 as Senior Class President. John also showed leadership on the field as a member of the football team. Glory and John both held a deep love and commitment for St. John’s Academy. Throughout their lives, the couple maintained a close affiliation with the school and participated in annual fundraisers and events for St. John’s Academy and the Foundation for the Advancement of Christian Education (F.A.C.E.).

Today, Dr. Ebertz continues support these and other scholarships named in honor of two exceptional alumni. John and Glory exemplified the kindness, generosity and love that is taught in our classrooms every day.

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